
Decorating directive with unnamed link function

How can one derocate directive if link function is not named. More specifically I want to decorate select-ui directive. This is how their directive is defined:

.directive('uiSelect', function() {
    return {
             restrict: 'EA',
             scope: true,
             compile: function(tElement, tAttrs) {
                 //some code
                 return function(scope, element, attrs, ctrls){
                      //some code here
                      //how do I extend this?


This is how I tried, but it's giving me error Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined, because link function is not named in directive :

.decorator('uiSelectDirective', function($delegate, Restangular){
    var directive;
    directive = $delegate[0];
    console.log(directive, $delegate);
    directive.scope = {
        endpoint: '=',
        items: '=',
        parameters: '='
    directive.compile = function() {
        return function($scope, element, attrs){
  , arguments);
            // custom code here
    return $delegate;


I tried the suggested approach, but i'm running into issues.

.decorator('uiSelectDirective', function($delegate, Restangular){
    var directive;
    directive = $delegate[0];
    directive.scope = {
        endpoint: '=',
        items: '=',
        parameters: '='

    directive.compile = function(originalCompile) {
        var args = arguments;
        return function($scope, element, attrs){
            console.log($scope); // this here is returning element instead of scope?
            return originalCompile.apply(this, args);


    return $delegate;

Instead of $scope I'm getting element variable ([div.ui-select-container.ui-select-bootstrap.dropdown]). I also have error saying that tAttrs is not defined, which is the parameter in main compule function. I'm guessing that apply isn't passing arguments into function somehow...


  • Do something this like this to extend compile function:

    directive.compile = function(originalCompile) {
      return function() {
        var oldLink = originalCompile.apply(this, arguments);
        return function($scope, element, attrs) {
          // custom code for link here
          return oldLink.apply(this, arguments)