
Charles Proxy capture tvOS 10.2?

Up until recently, I've been successful using Apple Configurator 2 to load a profile onto an Apple TV that had the IP address of the Mac running charles (and connected via usb), and the Charles.cer certificate. This allowed me to capture Charles logs of apps running on the Apple TV.

I suspect the recent tvOS 10.2 release is the culprit, but this approach no longer works, and I'm unable to load profiles.

Anyone in StackOverflow-land been successful in capturing Charles logs in tvOS 10.2?


  • These type of profiles are now "Supervised devices" only. If you look at the device console, you'll see these lines:

    Apple-TV profiled[146] <Notice>: Installation failed. Error: NSError:
    Desc   : Profile Installation Failed
    Sugg   : This profile can only be installed on a Supervised device.

    UPDATE To make a device "supervised", you need to use Apple Configurator 2 version 2.4+. Please be aware that this is NOT an update to Apple Configurator 2 version 2.2, it's a separate download on the AppStore... You can now upload the profile that contains Global HTTP Proxy and Trusted Certificate.