I'm trying to customise diagram builder, I created new type of node and trying to add custom attributes with custom editor.
I just extend from dropdownCellEditor and it already doesn't work (editor appears, but can not save value, seems save and cancel buttons do not work) :(
If I replace my custom editor to DropdownCellEditor - it's ok.
editor: new Y.DropDownCellEditor({options: {
apple: 'Apple',
banana: 'Banana',
cherry: 'Cherry',
kiwi: 'Kiwi'
Can someone explain what's going wrong ?
Code I'm trying to make workable: http://jsfiddle.net/tu89ap1o/1/
I would be very happy if some shares good documentation for AlloUI framework. Or suggest good library for building diagrams. Goals: need to have possibility to build custom nodes with different set of properties and edit them.
Thank you in advance.
After many hours of debugging obfuscating code I've found that hide function works by just adding into class: your editor name plus '-hidden', so to make it workable need to add :
.mycustomcelleditor-hidden {
display: none;
into css, stupid implementation BTW.