I am stuck with a Loan Amortization List which gives me only the last item multiple times. My method:
public List<AmortizationScheduleLineItem> calculateAmortizationSchedule() {
List<AmortizationScheduleLineItem> lineItems = new ArrayList<AmortizationScheduleLineItem>();
AmortizationScheduleLineItem item = new AmortizationScheduleLineItem();
long balance = amountBorrowed;
int paymentNumber = 0;
long totalPayments = 0;
long totalInterestPaid = 0;
item.setCurrentBalance(((double) amountBorrowed) / 100d);
item.setTotalPayments(((double) totalPayments) / 100d);
item.setTotalInterestPaid(((double) totalInterestPaid) / 100d);
final int maxNumberOfPayments = initialTermMonths + 1;
while ((balance > 0) && (paymentNumber <= maxNumberOfPayments)) {
long curMonthlyInterest = Math.round(((double) balance) * monthlyInterest);
long curPayoffAmount = balance + curMonthlyInterest;
long curMonthlyPaymentAmount = Math.min(monthlyPaymentAmount, curPayoffAmount);
if ((paymentNumber == maxNumberOfPayments)
&& ((curMonthlyPaymentAmount == 0) || (curMonthlyPaymentAmount == curMonthlyInterest))) {
curMonthlyPaymentAmount = curPayoffAmount;
long curMonthlyPrincipalPaid = curMonthlyPaymentAmount - curMonthlyInterest;
long curBalance = balance - curMonthlyPrincipalPaid;
totalPayments += curMonthlyPaymentAmount;
totalInterestPaid += curMonthlyInterest;
item.setPaymentAmount(((double) curMonthlyPaymentAmount) / 100d);
item.setPaymentInterest(((double) curMonthlyInterest) / 100d);
item.setCurrentBalance(((double) curBalance) / 100d);
item.setTotalPayments(((double) totalPayments) / 100d);
item.setTotalInterestPaid(((double) totalInterestPaid) / 100d);
// Set P equal to Q and go back to Step 1: You thusly loop around until the value Q (and hence P) goes to zero.
balance = curBalance;
return lineItems;
My Web Service Method:
@WebResult(name = "PaymentPlan")
@WebMethod(operationName = "GetLoanPaymentPlan")
public List<AmortizationScheduleLineItem> GetLoanPaymentPlan() {
AmortizationScheduleInput input = new AmortizationScheduleConsoleInputOutput().readUserInputFromConsole();
LoanAmortizationSchedule loan = new LoanAmortizationSchedule(input);
return loan.calculateAmortizationSchedule();
My Response:
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<ns2:GetLoanPaymentPlanResponse xmlns:ns2="http://service.dfcu.com/">
What do I do to get the other items in the List?
You need to create a new item object in each iteration of your loop
while (....)
AmortizationScheduleLineItem item = new AmortizationScheduleLineItem();
listItems.add (item);
otherwise you are working on the same object all the time