I don't know if it is possible, but I like to show a picture after uploading it into the Library. As soon as I want to cascade the serializeFileUpload I get an error and the method comment also states that serializeFileUpload may be the only callback. My code so far:
html fileUpload
id: #fileUpload;
onChange: (html jQuery ajax
serializeFileUpload: (html jQuery id: inputString ));
callback: [ :f | self handleNewFile: f]
Is there a way to have the jQuery replace #fileUpload with the uploaded image?
Implementation in JQAjax>>serializeFileUpload:aQuery
((((JSStream on: 'var formdata = new FormData()'),
((aQuery copy attributeAt: 'name') assignLocalTo: 'name'),
(((aQuery property: 0) access: 'files') assignLocalTo: 'files'),
(JSStream on:'for(i=0;i<files.length;i++) formdata.append(name,files[i])'),
(JSStream on: 'return formdata')) asFunction) apply: #());
url: self renderContext actionUrl;
type: 'POST';
cache: false;
processData: false;
contentType: false
Have you tried to use the ajax onsucces callback?
(html jQuery ajax
onSuccess: ((html jQuery id: #fileUpload) replaceWith: [:r | ... ]))