
Can I use sightly display context along with i18n label?

I am seeing a code in my project as

${'myproj.label' @i18n, format=[sighltyObj.field1], context='text'} 

Intention is pass a variable into i18n text + encode the texts safely. Is this right to use display context along with i18n translations? When I tested with a field1 = "Hello%20World", it is NOT encoding the texts rather rendering as is. How can I encode html strings while passing the arguments as variables into i18n?


  • HTL will not decode the text returned by format. I think the confusion comes from the documentation which states for the display context text the following:

    Use this for simple HTML content - Encodes all HTML

    (Source: HTL Specification Section 1.2.1 Display Context)

    But this does not mean that this context decodes anything, it encodes HTML tags.

    So if sighltyObj.field1 is Hello%20World it will not be rendered as Hello World but as Hello%20World as you already noticed.

    The display context text will encode all HTML tags in the given text so that you can't "smuggle" them into a text (see code injection).

    So for example:

    ${'<p>This is my text</p>' @ context='text'}

    will create the following HTML

    &lt;p&gt;This is my text&lt;/p&gt;

    Note how the p tags were encoded:

    <p> became &lt;p&gt; and </p> became &lt;/p&gt.

    The getter for field1 in your sighltyObj will have to do the decoding so that Hello%20World becomes Hello World. There is already a answer on Stackoverflow that shows you how to do this:

    String result =, "UTF-8");