
Perform merge between views of two or more modules

I have a Phalcon PHP modular application. I am making an administrative interface to control which modules should be used in the system. One module controls the application's default interface, while the other modules add functionalities.

I have the problem: when another module to enabled, it can add the HTML content to the other interface control module. In this way I would like to merge two or more views. I am using Volt as template engine.

Is this possible in Phalcon?


  • Note: This was asked on the official Phalcon forums. I answered it over there and it got accepted. I am just mirroring my answer so future readers can get an answer here without being redirected from StackOverflow. Phalcon forum mirror:


    You will need to define your modules in the app/config/config.php file like so;

    return new \Phalcon\Config([
    // ...
        'modules' => [
    // ...


    Then, in your controller, you'd set a view property to store the active modules like so;

    $this->view->modules_enabled = $this->di->get("config")->modules;


    And finally in your volt file, just check the module is in the array holding active modules, and if so, display the view using partials.

    {% if module01 in modules_enabled %}
       <div id="module">{{ partial("partials/module01") }}</div>
    {% endif %}