
TYPO3: Upload files to FAL with powermail

I am using powermail to allow a FE-User to edit a couple of fields of his own User-Record. Works fine, no hassle.

Now I would also like to allow the upload of a file. Is there a way to save the file to FAL with powermail? Unfortunately I have found no resources on this whatsoever. Maybe it is possible to implement a userfunc when saving to DB that would generate the required DB entries? When using powermails "upload"-field-type the file gets written to uploads/tx_powermail. I have access to that files path in my db_entry step in typoscript and could pass it on to a userfunc - which in return should

Am I missing something? Any ideas on this? Has anyone done something like this before?

Or is my only alternative to switch from powermail to a custom extbase extension?

System: TYPO3 7.6.16, Powermail 3.17



  • At the moment powermail don't uses FAL relations. If you need something like this, you have to add an own finisher that does the upload stuff - see https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/powermail/ForDevelopers/AddFinisherClasses/Index.html