
Wrap subprocess' stdout/stderr

I'd like to both capture and display the output of a process that I invoke through Python's subprocess.

I thought I could just pass my file-like object as named parameter stdout and stderr

I can see that it accesses the filenoattribute - so it is doing something with the object. However, the write() method is never invoked. Is my approach completely off or am I just missing something?

class Process(object):
    class StreamWrapper(object):
        def __init__(self, stream):
            self._stream = stream
            self._buffer = []
        def _print(self, msg):
            print repr(self), msg
        def __getattr__(self, name):
            if not name in ['fileno']:
                self._print("# Redirecting: %s" % name)
            return getattr(self._stream, name)
        def write(self, data):
            print "###########"
        def getBuffer(self):
            return self._buffer[:]
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print ">> Running `%s`" % " ".join(args[0])
        self._stdout = self.StreamWrapper(sys.stdout)
        self._stderr = self.StreamWrapper(sys.stderr)
        kwargs.setdefault('stdout', self._stdout)
        kwargs.setdefault('stderr', self._stderr)
        self._process = subprocess.Popen(*args, **kwargs)


Something I'd like to work as well, is the ANSI control characters to move the cursor and override previously output stuff. I don't know whether that is the correct term, but here's an example of what I meant: I'm trying to automate some GIT stuff and there they have the progress that updates itself without writing to a new line each time.

Update 2

It is important to me, that the output of the subprocess is displayed immediately. I've tried using subprocess.PIPE to capture the output, and display it manually, but I was only able to get it to display the output, once the process had completed. However, I'd like to see the output in real-time.


  • Stdin, stdout and stderr of a process need to be real file descriptors. (That is actually not a restriction imposed by Python, but rather how pipes work on the OS level.) So you will need a different solution.

    If you want to track both stdout an stderr in real time, you will need asynchronous I/O or threads.