
How to scroll to element using Nightwatch?

I am using nightwatch for e2etesting my app. One of the tests fails because it cannot scroll to the element that it is testing I suspect. Question do I need to scroll or is there another way to do it? This is the element I am testing:

 return this.waitForElementVisible('#myElement', 4000) //wait for it to be visible

The element is at the top of the page but the testrunner has scrolled a bit down the page and it is not visible in the screenshot. How can I if need be scroll to this element? or : How can I test this element?


  • There is a native method in nightwatch to get elements into view. (In general elements should always be scrolled into view from nightwatch/selenium. But if you want to do that by hand you can use getLocationInView():

    return this.getLocationInView('#myElement')

    Nightwatch also supports doing this directly via the Webdriver Protocol using moveTo() without any abstraction. In that case it would look more like:

    const self = this;
    return this.api.element('#myElement', (res) => {
      self.api.moveTo(res.value.ELEMENT, 0, 0, () => {

    (this was just written from top of my head, hope I didn't make a mistake)

    But what could help in your case is changing seleniums element scroll behaviour in the config like:

    firefox: {
      desiredCapabilities: {
        browserName: 'firefox',
        javascriptEnabled: true,
        acceptSslCerts: true,
        elementScrollBehavior: 1

    Default is 0 -> Elements are scrolled to top of page

    elementScrollBavior 1 -> Elements are scrolled to bottom of page