
Order by other property instead of Key when selecting from index OrientDB

I am using Orient DB 2.1.16. I have a vertex class in orientDB called person, I also created a property for person class called name. I added a full text index on that property called person.name.Upon searching on index I can only order by key, is there any other way to search on index INDEX:person.name but order by another property of property of person like age SELECT FROM INDEX:person.name WHERE KEY CONTAINSTEXT 'abc' ORDER BY KEY ASC works fine but SELECT FROM INDEX:person.name WHERE KEY CONTAINSTEXT 'abc' ORDER BY age ASC gives error saying when selecting from index can only order by key


  • The result of Selecting from an index will not contain unindexed properties. If you want to order by a field which is not part of the index, you need to select the related field also.


    SELECT name, age FROM (SELECT EXPAND(rid) FROM INDEX:person.name WHERE

    More simple solution is to query properties from original vertex with the ContainsText operator:

    SELECT name, age from person WHERE (name CONTAINSTEXT 'abc') ORDER BY age ASC