Trying to perform small script with subclassed QObject as parameter.
QJSEngine jsEngine;
QJSValue arg = jsEngine.newQObject(child); // Child it's subclassed QObject
QJSValue function = jsEngine.evaluate(m_childRestriction);
QJSValue result = << arg);
On destroying jsEngine, it calls delete for my child object (as newQObject creates it with JavaScriptOwnership). How to avoid it, how to change ownership for arg?
Script is simple:
function(device) {
return device.m_place >=0 && device.m_place < 16;
It is possible to call QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(child, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership);
for the object as it is the static function. It just not clear from the help. Think it is suppose to be in QJSEngine
It is possible to call QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(child, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership); for the object as it is the static function. It just not clear from the help. Think it is suppose to be in QJSEngine also.