
Tizen scrollable watch face

Not sure if I'm going to have any luck here, but the response I got on the Samsung forum didn't sound certain this would work. I want to make a watch face for the gear s2 that also has the ability to scroll when viewing particular divs. I'm building it with html/css/javascript. I first took a template app which has the ability to scroll and assigned that the category of watch face. When I installed it, it lost it's ability to scroll. The Samsung forum mentioned to try utilizing canvas. I'm very knew to programming, so this will take a little research and considerable trial and error. I'm willing to give it a shot, but I worry it's not even possible to start with. I'd hate to waste a lot of time and energy if the watch face category overrides any attempts to scroll by design. Especially because I have alternative options, just not as ideal. Anyone have any knowledge about this?


  • I think it will not be possible currently. Look on Gear Home screen,

    So, it is clear that you can't use Bezel to scroll on Home Screen (Watch Face) of Gear.

    In case of up-down swipe on top part, there is Status Bar action. So you can't use Bezel and Up-down Swipe to Scroll. One thing you can do here, is to add an up arrow button to scroll up and a down arrow button to scroll down.

    Smart decision will be if you develop separate application to meet your requirements and add icons on Watch Face to launch these apps. For example, email and Heart Rate to show some summary data and to launch these apps from these icons.

    enter image description here