I have a query, using TSQLQuery that goes like this
TSQLQuery* tq = new TSQLQuery(NULL);
tq->SQLConnection = atdbDM->SQLConnection1;
int insert_id = tq->Fields->operator [](0)->AsInteger;
The expression
int insert_id = tq->Fields->operator [](0)->AsInteger;
is pretty clunky. Looking at the implementation, the operator[] is overloaded in the header:
TField* operator[](int Index) { return Fields[Index]; }
However, if I call:
int insert_id = tq->Fields[0]->AsInteger;
I get the compiler error:
[bcc32 Error] TRegisterFreshCSBatchForm.cpp(97): E2288 Pointer to structure
required on left side of -> or ->*
TRegisterFreshCSBatchForm::mRegisterBtnClick(TObject *)
Any ideas why the above call don't compile?? I must be missing something..
The correct syntax is
int insert_id = (*tq->Fields)[0]->AsInteger;
There must be a class object, not a pointer, involved for an overloaded operator to kick in.