First, I am a total newb, and shouldn't be allowed around a keyboard. That said, I am trying to write a DCL .COM file that will allow a user to connect to a remote device by selecting it from a list.
All I want to do is allow them to pick a device and connect, and then when they disconnect from the device, be back where they started. It keeps dumping me out after I terminate the remote connection.
The operating system is OpenVMS. Here is the code (where will be an IP address of the remote system).
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
$! MRV Terminal Server Connection Menu
$ WT " MRV Terminal Server Connection Menu "
$ WT " "
$ WT " 1 MRV 1"
$ WT " 2 MRV 2"
$ WT " 3 MRV 3"
$ WT " 4 MRV 4"
$ WT " 5 MRV 5"
$ WT " 6 MRV 6"
$ WT " 7 MRV 7"
$ WT " 8 MRV 8"
$ WT " 9 MRV 9"
$ WT " 10 MRV 10"
$ WT " 11 MRV 11"
$ WT " 12 MRV 12"
$ WT " 13 MRV 13"
$ WT " 14 MRV 14"
$ WT " "
$ WT " "
$ WT " "
$ WT " "
$ WT " "
$ WT " X EXIT"
$ WT " "
$ INQUIRE ANS "Select the MRV you wish to connect to:"
$ IF ANS .EQS. "X" then goto goodbye
$ IF ANS .EQS. "1" then SSH ""
$ IF ANS .EQS. "2" then SSH ""
$ IF ANS .EQS. "3" then SSH ""
$ IF ANS .EQS. "4" then SSH ""
$ IF ANS .EQS. "5" then SSH ""
$ IF ANS .EQS. "6" then SSH ""
$ IF ANS .EQS. "7" then SSH ""
$ IF ANS .EQS. "8" then SSH ""
$ IF ANS .EQS. "9" then SSH ""
$ IF ANS .EQS. "10" then SSH ""
$ IF ANS .EQS. "11" then SSH ""
$ IF ANS .EQS. "12" then SSH ""
$ IF ANS .EQS. "13" then SSH ""
Check this out for some ideas:
$ ! MRV Terminal Server Connection Menu
$ !
$ CLS :== TYPE/PAGE NL: ! Please don't muck with my screen setting as in: SET TERMINAL/WIDTH=80
$ ANS_1 = ""
$ ANS_2 = ""
$ ANS_14 = ""
$ !
$ Menu:
$ !
$ ! If SSH (or anything else) causes an error, go back to the menu.
$ ! It is placed here because it needs to be set again after each error.
$ on error then $ goto Menu
$ !
$ type/page sys$input:
MRV Terminal Server Connection Men
1 MRV 1
2 MRV 2
14 MRV 14
$ !
$ INQUIRE ANS "Select the MRV you wish to connect to:"
$ !
$ if ANS .eqs. "X" then exit
$ if f$type(ANS_'ANS') .eqs. ""
$ then
$ ! Handle any unexpected input.
$ WT "Beg your pardon? ''ANS' ? " ! Immediately followed by clearing the screen. Sigh.
$ WAIT 0:0:3
$ !
$ ! We did what they wanted. How else may we serve?
$ goto Menu
$ endif
$ command = "SSH """ + ANS_'ANS + """"
$ write sys$output "Going to execute : " + command
$! 'command ! Remove Comment for real action