
How to use float in a QML spinbox

I use a QML Spinbox but I have trouble to use floats in it. If I write something like value: 5.0 , it will be displayed as 5 , so as an int instead of a float.

Do you have any idea of how to proceed ?

Thanks a lot and have a good day !


  • You can create a Spinbox with custom texts


    import QtQuick 2.0
    import QtQuick.Controls 2.1
    Item {
        property int decimals: 2
        property real realValue: 0.0
        property real realFrom: 0.0
        property real realTo: 100.0
        property real realStepSize: 1.0
            property real factor: Math.pow(10, decimals)
            id: spinbox
            stepSize: realStepSize*factor
            value: realValue*factor
            to : realTo*factor
            from : realFrom*factor
            validator: DoubleValidator {
                bottom: Math.min(spinbox.from, spinbox.to)*spinbox.factor
                top:  Math.max(spinbox.from, spinbox.to)*spinbox.factor
            textFromValue: function(value, locale) {
                return parseFloat(value*1.0/factor).toFixed(decimals);


        realValue: 5.0
        realStepSize: 0.01

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