In order for users to lon into my application, I send them a code (6 numbers) by SMS. When coming back to the application, I display a popup in order for them to input the said code. I would like to have 6 inputs (maxlength=1) for a better design. Here is the visual I would like to have :
There is my (so-far) HTML template of the popup :
<ion-content class="content-activation-code">
<div class="activation-code-list">
<input type="text" class="activation-input-code" maxlength="1" ng-model="code.c1" ng-focus="code.c1===''">
<input type="text" class="activation-input-code" maxlength="1" ng-model="code.c2">
<input type="text" class="activation-input-code" maxlength="1" ng-model="code.c3" >
<input type="text" class="activation-input-code" maxlength="1" ng-model="code.c4" >
<input type="text" class="activation-input-code" maxlength="1" ng-model="code.c5" >
<input type="text" class="activation-input-code" maxlength="1" ng-model="code.c6" >
CSS for this template :
/*Popup code*/
.content-activation-code .activation-input-code{
border:1px solid grey;
And the controller in charge of displaying the popup :
$scope.code = {c1:"",c2:"",c3:"",c4:"",c5:"",c6:""};
templateUrl: "templates/activation_code.html",
title: 'Pour activer votre compte',
subTitle: 'Entrez le code envoyé au XXXX',
scope: $scope,
buttons: [
{ text: 'Annuler' },
text: 'Activer',
type: 'button-positive',
onTap: function(event) {
For the user to not hate me and actually log into the application, I would like to implement a kind of directive doing as follow : - Focus on first input when popup opens - Focus on next input everytime the previous is completed - Focus on previous input everytime the next one is deleted and backspace is pressed
Tip : I already tried puting a background-image into the input to simulate this behavior, but it didn't show up right on the phone.
I'm using Angular 1.5.3
You need add directive on each input that just trigger focus on next one
elem.on(keypress, function(e) {;
Example JSFiddle