When starting a build in Visual Studio App Center I am getting this error in the build logs. How do I fix this?
##[error]Publish build artifacts failed with error: Not found PathtoPublish: /Users/ci/agent/vstsagent/_work/1/a/symbols
##[section]Finishing: Publish symbols
##[section]Starting: Create distribution
Task : Mobile Center Upload
Description : Upload mobile app packages to Visual Studio Mobile Center
Version : 0.115.1
Author : Microsoft Corporation
Help : Upload mobile app packages to Visual Studio Mobile Center
##[warning]Cannot find any file based on /Users/ci/agent/vstsagent/_work/1/a/symbols.
##[error]TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of null
##[section]Finishing: Create distribution
##[section]Starting: Post Job Cleanup
In order to fix this issue you can try the following: