I have teams:
create table team (
id integer primary key,
type text
Also, I have players:
create table player
id integer primary key,
age integer,
team_id integer references team(id)
The type of a team can either be 'YOUTH' or 'ADULT'. In a youth team, only players starting from age 16 are allowed in official games. In an adult team, only players starting from age 18 are allowed in official games.
Given a team identifier, I want to find all allowed players for the upcoming game. I have the following query:
select player.*
from player
join team
on player.team_id = team.id
where team.id = 1 and
(team.type = 'YOUTH' and player.age >= 16) or
(team.type = 'ADULT' and player.age >= 18)
This works. However, in this query, for every player I am repetitively checking the type of the team. This value will stay the same during the whole query.
Is there a way to improve this query? Should I replace it with a pgplsql function where I first store the team into a local variable, and then discriminate with following flow?
IF team.type = 'YOUTH' THEN <youth query> ELSE <adult query> END IF
For me, that feels like killing a fly with a bazooka, but I don't see an alternative right now.
I created a SQL fiddle: http://rextester.com/TPFA20157
In (strict relational) theory, you would have another table storing attributes of team types like the minimum age.
NEVER store "age", though, which is a function of the underlying constant birthday and the current time. Always store the birthday. Could look like this:
CREATE TABLE team_type (
team_type text PRIMARY KEY
, min_age int NOT NULL -- in years
team_id integer PRIMARY KEY
, team_type text NOT NULL REFERENCES team_type
player_id serial PRIMARY KEY
, birthday date NOT NULL -- NEVER store "age", it's outdated the next day
, team_id integer REFERENCES team
SELECT p.*, age(now(), p.birthday) AS current_age
FROM player p
JOIN team t USING (team_id)
JOIN team_type tt USING (team_type)
WHERE t.team_id = 1
AND p.birthday <= now() - interval '1 year' * tt.min_age;
Using the function age()
to display current age, which fits the conventional algorithm to determine age.
But using the more efficient expression p.birthday <= now() - interval '1 year' * tt.min_age
in the WHERE
Aside: the current date depends on the current time zone, so the result can vary +/- 12 hours, depending on the time zone setting of the session. Details:
But yes, you could replace the table team_type
with the logic encapsulated in a function like this:
CREATE FUNCTION f_bday_for_team_type(text)
SELECT (now() - interval '1 year' * CASE $1 WHEN 'YOUTH' THEN 16
Calculating the maximum birthday to fulfill the minimum age for the given team type. The function is STABLE
) as one might assume. The manual:
Also note that the
family of functions qualify as stable, since their values do not change within a transaction.
SELECT p.*, age(now(), p.birthday) AS current_age
FROM player p
JOIN team t USING (team_id)
, f_bday_for_team_type(t.team_type) AS max_bday -- implicit CROSS JOIN LATERAL
WHERE t.team_id = 2
AND p.birthday <= max_bday;
Not the holy grail of relational theory, but it works.