
Kubernetes Kube-proxy failed to retrieve node info

Trying to understand why I'm seeing this output from my kube-proxy logs

W0328 08:00:53.755379  1 server.go:468] Failed to retrieve node info: nodes "ip-172-31-55-175" not found
W0328 08:00:53.755505  1 proxier.go:249] invalid nodeIP, initialize kube-proxy with as nodeIP

The cluster is working just fine, is that indicating an issue with the cluster configuration?


  • Can you please show the output of the command kubectl get node?

    Probably the registered name used when kubelet starts is different from the name that kube-proxy is using.

    You can force the usage of this very same name starting kube-proxy with the --hostname-override directive, and point to the same name kubelet registered itself.