
How to round up to whole number in R?

Is it possible to round up to the nearest whole number in R? I have time-stamped data and I want to round up to the nearest whole minute, to represent activities during this minute.

For example, if time is presented in minutes.seconds format:

x <- c(5.56, 7.39, 12.05, 13.10)
round(x, digits = 0)
[1]  6  7 12 13

My anticipated output would instead be:

round(x, digits = 0)
[1]  6  8 13 14

I understand this is confusing but when I am calculating activity per minute data, rounding up to the nearest minute makes sense. Is this possible?


  • We can use ceiling to do the specified rounding

    #[1]  6  8 13 14