
Sharepoint Object Model vs WebServices

I had created a xml query that I was sending to my sharepoint search service which was returning some results. I then pulled the SQL query text out of it and started using it with the object model and now it's not working. Does it look like I am doing something wrong based on the code below?

Query XML (returns results):

<QueryPacket xmlns="urn:Microsoft.Search.Query" Revision="1000">
                                    <Query domain="QDomain">
                                       <QueryText language="en-US" type="MSSQLFT"><![CDATA[ SELECT Title, Rank, owsPublished1,owsSocialx0020Networkx0020Update, Description, Write, Path FROM scope()   ORDER BY "Rank" DESC ]]></QueryText>
                                     <ImplicitAndBehavior>true</ImplicitAndBehavior>        <IncludeRelevanceResults>true</IncludeRelevanceResults>                               <IncludeSpecialTermResults>true</IncludeSpecialTermResults>                        

Object model code (doesn't):

        SPSite site = new SPSite("http://sp-dev/");
        ServerContext sc = ServerContext.GetContext(site);
        FullTextSqlQuery ftq = new FullTextSqlQuery(sc);
        string querySQL = @"SELECT Title, Rank, owsPublished1,owsSocialx0020Networkx0020Update, Description, Write, Path FROM scope()   ORDER BY ""Rank"" DESC ";

        ftq.QueryText = querySQL;;
        ResultTableCollection results = ftq.Execute();


  • You need at least to add:

    ftq.EnableStemming = false;
    ftq.TrimDuplicates = true;
    ftq.IgnoreAllNoiseQuery = true;
    ftq.KeywordInclusion = KeywordInclusion.AllKeywords;

    to at least make a fair comparison between the two methods. Then, you can also try:

    ftq.AuthenticationType = QueryAuthenticationType.PluggableAuthenticatedQuery;