I tried to create a simple todo app with Cyclejs/xstream
. The app works fine. Only thing I not able to understand is after adding each todo the input should clear, which is not happening.
import {
div, span, p, input, ul, li, button, body
from '@cycle/dom'
import xs from 'xstream'
import Utils from './utils'
export function Todo(sources) {
const sinks = {
DOM: view(model(intent(sources)))
return sinks
function intent(sources) {
return {
addTodo$: sources.DOM.select('input[type=text]').events('keydown').filter((ev) => {
return ev.which == 13 && ev.target.value.trim().length > 0;
}).map((ev) => {
return ev.target.value;
deleteTodo$: sources.DOM.select('.delete').events('click').map((ev) => {
return Number(ev.target.getAttribute('data-id'));
}).filter((id) => {
return !isNaN(id);
completeTodo$: sources.DOM.select('.complete').events('click').map((ev) => {
return Number(ev.target.getAttribute('data-id'));
}).filter((id) => {
return !isNaN(id);
function model(action$) {
let deleteTodo$ = action$.deleteTodo$.map((id) => {
return (holder) => {
let index = Utils.findIndex(holder.currentTodos, 'id', id);
if (index > -1) holder.currentTodos.splice(index, 1);
return {
currentTodos: holder.currentTodos,
value: ''
let completeTodo$ = action$.completeTodo$.map((id) => {
return (holder) => {
let index = Utils.findIndex(holder.currentTodos, 'id', id);
if (index > -1) holder.currentTodos[index].completed = !holder.currentTodos[index].completed;
return {
currentTodos: holder.currentTodos,
value: ''
let addTodo$ = action$.addTodo$.map((item) => {
return (holder) => {
let todo = {
value: item,
id: holder.currentTodos.length + 1,
completed: false
return {
currentTodos: holder.currentTodos,
value: ''
return xs.merge(deleteTodo$, addTodo$, completeTodo$)
.fold((holder, modifier) => {
return modifier(holder);
}, {
currentTodos: [],
value: ''
function view(state$) {
return state$.map((state) => {
return div({
attrs: {
class: 'todo'
}, [
props: {
type: 'text',
value: state.value
attrs: {
class: 'text'
}, state.currentTodos.map((todo) => {
return li({
attrs: {
class: `${todo.completed ? 'completed' : 'open'}`
}, [
attrs: {
class: 'delete',
'data-id': todo.id
}, 'XXXXX'),
attrs: {
class: 'complete',
'data-id': todo.id
}, 'CCCCC')
var Utils = {
filter: function(array, fn) {
var results = [];
var item;
for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {
item = array[i];
if (fn(item)) results.push(item);
return results;
findItem: function(array, fn) {
for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {
var item = array[i];
if (fn(item)) return item;
return null;
findIndex: function(array, prop, value) {
var pointerId = -1;
var index = -1;
var top = array.length;
var bottom = 0;
for (var i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
index = bottom + (top - bottom >> 1);
pointerId = array[index][prop];
if (pointerId === value) {
return index;
} else if (pointerId < value) {
bottom = index;
} else if (pointerId > value) {
top = index;
return -1;
export default Utils;
You need to put hook inside input element. It will work as expected. If you want you can send another default value (in this case it is empty string).
props: {
type: 'text'
hook: {
update: (o, n) => n.elm.value = ''
@cycle/dom driver should be > 11.0.0 which works with Snabbdom. But if you use earlier version you need:
var Hook = function(){
Hook.prototype.hook = function(node) {
input({ attributes: {type: 'text'},
'my-hook':new Hook('')