
Ubercart: Create order with products programmatically Drupal 8

How can i create order with products in my custom form? This my code:

$order = Order::create(array(
  'uid' => $uid,
  'order_status' => uc_order_state_default('post_checkout'),
uc_order_comment_save($order->id(), $this->currentUser()->id(), $this->t('Order created by the administration.'), 'admin');
$product = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load($nid);
uc_order_product_save($order->id(), $product);

Order was saved.... But no product related in my order. Please help!

I use drupal 8.3 and Ubercart 8.x-4.0-alpha5


  • I also don't find why your code is not working...
    But i have find a solution to relate a product to Order Id.

    Try this code to assign the product to Order Id.

    $product = Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('uc_order_product')->create(array(
    'qty' => 1,
    'order_id' => $order->id(),
    'nid' => $nid,