
How to pass body payload to angular $resource DELETE call

I have standard angular $resource configured as such


    function ($resource) {
            release: {
                method: 'DELETE',
                isArray: false

and I am calling this method as

ProjectSubjectResource.release({projectId: projectId, subjectId: 0},{ subjectIds: subjectIdArray})

where subjectIdArray is array of objects:

[{subject1: 213123}, {subject2: 3131}]

However, body of request does not contain that array. I suspect that DELETE request is the problem, as renaming method call to e.g. PUT makes difference.

Can I allow body of DELETE request somehow?


  • Starting on Angular 1.6.4, the hasBody action configuration was added.

    You can now have:

    deleteSomething: {
        method: 'DELETE',
        hasBody: true

    hasBody - {boolean} - allows to specify if a request body should be included or not. If not specified only POST, PUT and PATCH requests will have a body.
