I try to use Arcgis javascript API in Liferay 7.0 but it's fail. I think because Liferay 7.0 using requireJS for using javascript which conflict with dojo of Arcgis javascript API. I am using this code for implement Arcgis API:
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%=request.getContextPath() %>/js/arcgis_js_api/library/3.14/3.14/init.js"></script>
"esri/map", "dojo/dom"
], function(Map, dom) {
var map = new esri.Map("map", {
basemap: "topo", //For full list of pre-defined basemaps, navigate to http://arcg.is/1JVo6Wd
center: [-122.45, 37.75], // longitude, latitude
zoom: 13
This is console log:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Path esri/map.js does not start with a "/" character
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Path dojo.js does not start with a "/" character
This is javascript error:
Error: defineAlreadyDefined
Anyone has solution help me please. Thanks!
I use this code before implement arcgis (javascript):
if(typeof define !== "undefined" && typeof require !== "undefined"){
window.__define = window.define;
window.__require = window.require;
window.define = undefined;
window.require = undefined;}
It will be resolved.