
run app vs apply changes android studio 2.3

What is the major difference between

Run app and Apply changes?

enter image description here

What could be the best scenario to use each?



  • "Apply changes" will be enabled if you have "instant run" enabled and to disable instant run check

    From the Android documentation:

    Apply Changes button provides a faster workflow for most incremental changes to your app. [...]

    You can clickApply Changes to push certain code and resource changes to your running app without building a new APK—and, in some cases, without even restarting the current activity. [...]

    Clicking Run (or Debug ) forces a cold swap and an app restart. If you make a change to the app manifest or a resource referenced by the manifest, Android Studio always pushes your changes with a full APK reinstall. [...]

    Apply Changes action is available only when you meet the following conditions:

    • Build your app using a debug build variant.
    • Use Android plugin for Gradle version 2.3.0 or higher.
    • Set minSdkVersion to 15 or higher in your app's module-level build.gradle file.
    • Deploy your app to a target device running Android 5.0 (API level 21) and higher.