
osm2pgsql import fails with "Failed to read from node cache: Input/output error"

I'm attempting a whole-planet OSM data import on an AWS EC2. During or possibly after the "Ways" processing i receive the following message:

"Failed to read from node cache: Input/output error"

The EC2 has the following specs:

type: i3.xlarge
memory: 30.5 Gb
vCPUs: 4
Postgresql: v9.5.6
PostGIS: 2.2

In addition to the root volume, I have mounted 900GB SSD and a 2TB HHD (high throughput). The Postgresql data directory is on the HHD. I have commanded the osm2pgsql to write the flat-nodes file the SSD.

Here is my osm2pgsql command:

osm2pgsql -c -d gis --number-processes 4 --slim -C 20000 --flat-nodes /data-cache/flat-node-cache/flat.nodes /data-postgres/planet-latest.osm.pbf

I run the above command as user renderaccount that is a member of the following groups renderaccount ubuntu postgres. The flat-nodes file appears to be successfully created at /data-cache/flat-node-cache/flat.nodes and has this profile:

ubuntu@ip-172-31-25-230:/data-cache/flat-node-cache$ ls -l
total 37281800
-rw------- 1 renderaccount renderaccount 38176555024 Apr 13 05:45 flat.nodes

Has anyone run into and or resolved this? I suspect maybe a permissions issue? I notice now that since this last osm2pgsql failure, the mounted SSD that is the destination of the flat-nodes file has been converted to a "read-only" file system - which sounds like may happen when there are i/o errors on the mounted volume(?).

Also, does osm2pgsql write to a log that I could acquire additional info?

UPDATE: dmesg output:

[ 6206.884412] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev nvme0n1, sector 66250752
[ 6206.890813] EXT4-fs warning (device nvme0n1): ext4_end_bio:329: I/O error -5 writing to inode 14024706 (offset 10871640064 size 8388608 starting block 8281600)
[ 6206.890817] Buffer I/O error on device nvme0n1, logical block 8281344

After researching the above output, it appears it might be a bug in Ubuntu 16.04.


  • This was an error with Ubuntu 16.04 writing to the volume nvme0n1. Solved by this