I'm trying to get a thumbnail image from a video player that I set the Url when I choose a video from gallery or capture a video, so this my code in controller:-
var intent = Titanium.Android.createIntent({
action: Ti.Android.ACTION_PICK,
type : "video/*"
var curActivity = $.createPost.getActivity();
curActivity.startActivityForResult(intent, function(event) {
if (event.resultCode == Ti.Android.RESULT_OK) {
if (event.intent.data != null) {
// If everything went OK, save a reference to the video URI
Ti.API.info('here '+ event.intent.data);
Ti.API.info('video: '+ event.intent);
var videoPath = event.intent.data;
video = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(videoPath);
// $[e.source.fileView].setMedia(file);
$.video.requestThumbnailImagesAtTimes([0,1,2,6,12], Titanium.Media.VIDEO_TIME_OPTION_NEAREST_KEYFRAME, function (response) {
Ti.API.info("Thumbnail callback called, success = " + response.success);
Ti.API.info("Thumbnail callback called, time = " + response.time);
Ti.API.info("Thumbnail callback called, code = " + response.code);
if(response.success) {
videoThumb = response.image;
else {
Ti.API.error('Could not retrieve media URL!');
else if (event.resultCode == Ti.Android.RESULT_CANCELED) {
Ti.API.trace('User cancelled video capture session.');
else {
Ti.API.error('Could not record video!');
I get the video and it appears in the video player ($.video) but I can't get the thumbnail at all. this code works just fine in IOS
$.video.requestThumbnailImagesAtTimes([0,1,2,6,12], Titanium.Media.VIDEO_TIME_OPTION_NEAREST_KEYFRAME, function (response) {
Ti.API.info("Thumbnail callback called, success = " + response.success);
Ti.API.info("Thumbnail callback called, time = " + response.time);
Ti.API.info("Thumbnail callback called, code = " + response.code);
if(response.success) {
videoThumb = response.image;
but not in android.
It appears that at this time you cannot do this: it's broken. Here's the Jira ticket for the issue: Android: Get image frames at times out of local video
It indicates that it's fixed in 6.1.0. Apparently now you can do this with a remote video, so if that fits your workflow you might be able to accomplish it.
Does this answer your question?