I want to convert Java Date to Microsoft OLE Automation - OADate type or want to convert OADate to Java Date. What is the formula of the OADate for Java? Actually I have searched in the stackoverflow and couldnt find the answer, I got the answer and want to share it in this community.
For Example: 43013.7659837963 equals to Thu Oct 05 18:23:01 EET 2017
Microsoft's OLE Automation Date Converter for Java
* Convert Date to Microsoft OLE Automation - OADate type
* @param date
* @return
* @throws ParseException
public static String convertToOADate(Date date) throws ParseException {
double oaDate;
SimpleDateFormat myFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MM yyyy");
Date baseDate = myFormat.parse("30 12 1899");
Long days = TimeUnit.DAYS.convert(date.getTime() - baseDate.getTime(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
oaDate = (double) days + ((double) date.getHours() / 24) + ((double) date.getMinutes() / (60 * 24)) + ((double) date.getSeconds() / (60 * 24 * 60));
return String.valueOf(oaDate);
* Convert Microsoft un OLE Automation - OADate to Java Date.
* @param date
* @return
* @throws ParseException
public static Date convertFromOADate(double d) throws ParseException {
double mantissa = d - (long) d;
double hour = mantissa*24;
double min =(hour - (long)hour) * 60;
double sec=(min- (long)min) * 60;
SimpleDateFormat myFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MM yyyy");
Date baseDate = myFormat.parse("30 12 1899");
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
return c.getTime();