I am new to Angular 2. I have developed one small application. In my application there is a Login and Register page.
After all done I have build my app using
ng build --prod --aot
All the js is minified and It all work fine.
My question is now I have to do a little change
like change label text 'Username' to 'Email'
Is I need to do change and rebuild full solution every time for this type of small changes?
With ng build --prod
, you are building the application in production mode.
Until you have some development you should first build/serve the application in development mode. Angular-cli will watch source files for changes. So use the following command instead:
ng serve
Once you're done with changes, then you build in production mode like you did. If you have some modification to do afterwards, you always edit the source files, which assumes you have to rebuild the project.