
User roles in Yii2, from DB value

This might sound duplicate at the first place but available answers lack clarity and doesnt solve my problem.

i have a database list of users, one tuple would look something like the following.

        'id' => '131',
        'username' => 'mat',
        'password' => '9a23b6d49aa244b7b0db52949c0932c365ec8191',
        'authKey' => 'test100key',
        'accessToken' => '100-token',
        'role' => 'editor',

Now i want to create a type of user called manager, and set access control like this in the controller.

'access' => [
            'class' => AccessControl::className(),
            'rules' => [
                    'actions' => ['create', 'view', 'index'], // Define specific actions
                    'allow' => true, // Has access
                    'roles' => ['editor'], // '@' All logged in users / or your access role e.g. 'admin', 'user'

I am trying to achieve this with minimum hassle and am not really very familiar with yii/yii2. RBAC actually confuses me and i am finding it difficult to understand the documnetation.

I just need to create three types of user roles. I understand controlling the access to various actions.

User data comes from a table that will be modified realtime by another app.


  • Solved it myself. Slight tweak in framework code, i think I will face troubles if I chose to update Yii anyday.


    vendor/yiisoft/yii2/filters/AccessRule.php edited the matchRole Method as follows

        protected function matchRole($user)
        if (empty($this->roles)) {
            return true;
        foreach ($this->roles as $role) {
            if ($role === '?') {
                if ($user->getIsGuest()) {
                    return true;
            } elseif ($role === '@') {
                if (!$user->getIsGuest()) {
                    return true;
            } elseif ($user->can($role)) {
                return true;
            elseif (isset($user->identity->role)){
                if($role == $user->identity->role) {
                    return true;
        return false;