
UWP speech synthesis without a XAML MediaElement

Every UWP text-to-speech sample I can find uses a MediaElement control created with XAML. E.g., something like this, which works fine:

using namespace Windows::Media::SpeechSynthesis;


void App::MainPage::buttonSpeak_Click(Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs^ e)
    create_task(synthesizer->SynthesizeTextToStreamAsync(L"I am ready."))
        .then([this](SpeechSynthesisStream ^stream)
        MediaElement ^media = mediaElement; //created in a separate XAML file
        media->AutoPlay = true;
        media->SetSource(stream, stream->ContentType);

How do I adapt it to work without a XAML-based interface (a holographic DirectX application, in my case)? I have tried creating a MediaElement programmatically, e. g. MediaElement ^media = ref new MediaElement();, it always throws "The application called an interface that was marshalled for a different thread" exception.


  • I did it with MediaPlayer instead of MediaElement.

    using namespace Windows::Media::SpeechSynthesis;
    using namespace Windows::Media::Playback;
    SpeechSynthesizer ^synthesizer = ref new SpeechSynthesizer();
    MediaPlayer ^player = ref new MediaPlayer();
    create_task(synthesizer->SynthesizeTextToStreamAsync(L"I am ready."))
        .then([this](SpeechSynthesisStream ^stream)

    It works, although the compiler gives a warning that SetStreamSource is deprecated, and Source should be used instead, but I haven't figured out how to use it.