Hi I'm trying to emit events from PHP to a socketio server. I've tried both these forks:
PHP code:
require_once( 'socketio/src/Emitter.php' );
$emitter = new SocketIO\Emitter( array( 'port' => '6379', 'host' => '') );
$emitter->broadcast->emit( 'testcall', 'data' );
"name": "Emitter",
"devDependencies": {
"express": "~4.13.4",
"socket.io": "~1.7.3",
"socket.io-redis": "~4.0.0"
Node server:
var app = require( 'express' )( ),
http = require( 'http' ).Server( app ),
io = require('socket.io')( http ),
redis = require( 'socket.io-redis' );
http.listen( 8081, function( ) {
console.log( '\n==========================' );
console.log( 'server listening on *:8081' );
console.log( '==========================\n' );
io.adapter( redis({ host: '', port: 6379 }) );
io.on( 'connection', function( socket ) {
socket.on( 'testcall', function( ) {
console.log( 'testcall' );
I have redis-cli monitor open and I can see it publishing data to redis but I never see the log appear. I can emit events from a browser but the PHP ones never appear.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
It works I'm just dumb. The event from PHP is being sent, but to the client not the server. Apparently I forgot how it works hah.