
Android Things: Connect to Serial Debug Console

I've been trying to connect to the serial console of a Raspberry Pi 3 with Android Things using USB to TTL cable from my Linux (Ubuntu) machine. Despite I connected the cable as per the documentation, all I get when executing the minicom command is the following

enter image description here

with no chance to type in any character. So I neither can see any kernel messages nor shell into the device.

What am I missing?


  • Linux (Ubuntu)

    What's in?

    GNU Screen

    Run in terminal

    sudo screen port_name 115200

    See below (step 2) to find out port_name, e.g /dev/ttyUSB0. Hit Ctrl-A, then K, then Y to exit screen. Execute sudo apt-get install screen if not installed.


    Run in terminal

    sudo minicom -b 115200 -o -D port_name

    See below (step 2) to find out port_name, e.g /dev/ttyUSB0. Hit Ctrl-A, then X to exit minicom.

    minicom should be properly configured in order to open the connection. The general steps are as follows:

    1. Install minicom with

      sudo apt-get install minicom
    2. Connect Rpi3 with your host machine using USB-to-TTL cable and open the terminal. Find the tty connections with

      dmesg | grep -e tty

    In my case I get

    enter image description here

    where ttyUSB0 is the board.

    1. Run minicom and select the serial port setup with

      sudo minicom -s

    You should see

    enter image description here

    1. Check (or set) the settings for the tty connection. Make sure that /dev/ttyX corresponds to your connection, the one you get in the step 2 instead of X, and Bps/Par/Bits set as per the documentation.

    Similar to

    enter image description here

    1. Now hit Exit and, if everything had been properly set up, the connection should be running. If you type the ls command you should see Android Thing's root directory

    enter image description here

    1. For exiting minicom hit Ctrl-A, then hit Q, then Yes:

    enter image description here