
Use enum to determine type of return result ( a hack using Macro )

I have many types of game-object that are related together is some ways.
All relations is implemented by Map<K1,K2>.

#include <vector>
using namespace std;

template<class K1,class K2> class Map{ //N:N relation
     public: std::vector<K2*> getK2(K1* k1){/* some code */return std::vector<K2*>();} 
     public: std::vector<K1*> getK1(K2* k2){/* some code */return std::vector<K1*>();}
     //... various function ...

Here is the hub class GameRelation that facilitates all relation query :-
(just an example, no need to pay attention to all detail)

class Human{};   class House{};    class Dog{};
class GameRelation{
    #define RELATION(A,B,EnumName) Map<A,B> Map##EnumName;  \
    enum EnumName##Enum{EnumName};   \
    std::vector<B*> getAllRight(EnumName##Enum e,A* a){  \
        return Map##EnumName.getK2(a);  \
    //... various function ...
    //I can insert any relation that I want

The above macro expands into something like :-

Map<Human,House> MapOwn; 
enum OwnEnum{Own};   
std::vector<House*> getAllRight(OwnEnum e,Human* a){  
    return MapOwn.getK2(a);  

Here is how it can be used (full demo):-

int main() {
    GameRelation gameRelation;
    std::vector<House*> houses=gameRelation.getAllRight(GameRelation::Own,new Human()); 
    //get all "House" that is "Own" by a "Human" 
    return 0;

After some testing, it works good. Everyone is happy with the magical result.

However, my conscious tell me that it is a hack.
It is also a little bad for content-assist (e.g. intellisense) and automatic refactoring.
I also need the awesome hacking X-MACRO if I want to move their implementation to .cpp.



  • struct GameRelation{
        template <typename A, typename B>
        struct Relation {
            std::vector<B*> getAllRight(A* a) {
                return map.getK2(a);
            Map<A, B> map;
        Relation<Human, House> own;
    int main() {
        GameRelation gameRelation;
        std::vector<House*> houses = gameRelation.own.getAllRight(new Human()); 