
How to input dissimilarity matrix in spatial analysis in spdep R

Aim: I want to create a dissimilarity matrix between pairs of coordinates. I want to use this matrix as an input to calculate local spatial clusters using Moran's I (LISA) and latter in geographically weighted regression (GWR).

Problem: I know I can use dnearneigh{spdep} to calculate a distance matrix. However, I want to use the travel-time between polygons I already have estimated. In practice, I think this would be like inputting a dissimilarity matrix that tells the distance/difference between polygons based on a another characteristic. I've tried inputting my matrix to dnearneigh{spdep}, but I get the error Error: ncol(x) == 2 is not TRUE

dist_matrix <- dnearneigh(diss_matrix_invers, d1=0, d2=5, longlat = F, row.names=rn)

Any suggestions? There is a reproducible example below:

EDIT: Digging a bit further, I think I could use mat2listw{spdep} but I'm still not sure it keeps the correspondence between the matrix and the polygons. If I add row.names = T it returns an error row.names wrong length :(

listw_dissi <- mat2listw(diss_matrix_invers)
lmoran <- localmoran(oregon.tract@data$white, listw_dissi, 
                     zero.policy=T, alternative= "two.sided")

Reproducible example


# load data

# get centroids as a data.frame
  centroids <- as.data.frame( gCentroid(oregon.tract, byid=TRUE) )

# Convert row names into first column
  setDT(centroids, keep.rownames = TRUE)[]

# create Origin-destination pairs
  od_pairs <- expand.grid.df(centroids, centroids) %>% setDT()
  colnames(od_pairs) <- c("origi_id", "long_orig", "lat_orig", "dest_id", "long_dest", "lat_dest")     

# calculate dissimilarity between each pair. 
# For the sake of this example, let's use ellipsoid distances. In my real case I have travel-time estimates
  od_pairs[ , dist := distGeo(matrix(c(long_orig, lat_orig), ncol = 2), 
                         matrix(c(long_dest, lat_dest), ncol = 2))]

# This is the format of how my travel-time estimates are organized, it has some missing values which include pairs of origin-destination that are too far (more than 2hours apart)
  od_pairs <- od_pairs[, .(origi_id, dest_id, dist)]
  od_pairs$dist[3] <- NA

  >      origi_id    dest_id         dist
  > 1:   oregon_0   oregon_0      0.00000
  > 2:   oregon_1   oregon_0           NA
  > 3:   oregon_2   oregon_0  39874.63673
  > 4:   oregon_3   oregon_0  31259.63100
  > 5:   oregon_4   oregon_0  33047.84249

# Convert to matrix
  diss_matrix <- acast(od_pairs, origi_id~dest_id, value.var="dist") %>% as.matrix()

# get an inverse matrix of distances, make sure diagonal=0
  diss_matrix_invers <- 1/diss_matrix
  diag(diss_matrix_invers) <- 0

Calculate simple distance matrix

  # get row names
    rn <- sapply(slot(oregon.tract, "polygons"), function(x) slot(x, "ID"))
  # get centroids coordinates
    coords <- coordinates(oregon.tract)
  # get distance matrix
    diss_matrix <- dnearneigh(diss_matrix_invers, d1=0, d2=5, longlat =T, row.names=rn)

> [1] "nb"

Now how to use my diss_matrix_invers here?


  • you are right about the use of matlistw{spdep}. By default the function preserves the names of rows to keep correspondence between the matrix. You can also specify the row.names like so:

    listw_dissi <- mat2listw(diss_matrix_invers, row.names = row.names(diss_matrix_invers))  

    The list that is created will contain the appropriate names for the neighbours along with their distance as weights. You can check this by looking at the neighbours.


    And you should be able to use this directly to calculate Moran's I.

    There is no way you can use diss_matrix within dnearneigh{spdep}, as this function takes in a list of coordinates.

    however, if you need to define a set of neighbours given a distance threshold (d1,d2) using your own distance matrix (travel-time). I think this function can do the trick.

    dis.neigh<-function(x, d1 = 0, d2=50){
      #x must be a symmetrical distance matrix
      #create empty list
      style = "M" #for style unknown
      #set attributes of neighbours list
      attr(neighbours, "class")<-"nb"
      attr(neighbours, "distances")<-c(d1,d2)
      attr(neighbours, "region.id")<-colnames(x)
      #check each row for neighbors that satisfy distance threshold
      for(row in c(1:nrow(x))){
        for(col in c(1:ncol(x))){
          if(x[row,col]>d1 && x[row,col]<d2){
            weight[j]<-1/x[row,col] #inverse distance (dissimilarity)
      #create neighbour and weight list
      res <- list(style = style, neighbours = neighbours, weights = weights)
      class(res) <- c("listw", "nb")
      attr(res, "region.id") <- attr(neighbours, "region.id")
      attr(res, "call") <- match.call()

    And use it like so:

    nb_list<-dis.neigh(diss_matrix, d1=0, d2=10000)
    lmoran <- localmoran(oregon.tract@data$white, nb_lists, alternative= "two.sided")