I'm currently trying to get along with the Alfresco development environment but after installing properly Alfresco ECM, I'm stuck after having generated the demo app with yeoman. I can't find the password despite that I've always put admin/admin in anything I've installed. Alfresco ADF login page
Moreover when I generate an app from the github repository demos like the datatable for instance, Files from the ng2-component datatable demo
It doesn't give me anything when I start it just a blank page at localhost:63621
I sincerely hope that anyone can help to resolve those issues which I believe may be linked.
P.S : besides that, everything works properly, the Share webapp works perfectly(I can log in with the users I created in it), even BPM (Activiti) that i wanted to try.
There are a couple of things that you can check:
If you are executing the FE and BE from different domains try to follow this guide: https://community.alfresco.com/external-link.jspa?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FAlfresco%2Falfresco-ng2-components%2Fblob%2Fmaster%2FALFRESCOCORS.md
check the url it the settings for the Content service and Prcess service are correct.