Im trying to add attributed text infront of label at upper right position in swift 3 like [PDF] in picture shown
My requirement is... I have a picker view which has text values with list of countries..when a value is selected, I need to show that country name along with its Continent.
I am able show picker view value selected in label which is simple but not sure how to append continent name at upper right position
If I select USA, my label should show NA USA (where NA is North America) with NA in the place of [PDF] and USA in place of "this is sample PDF" from attachment
I can display that by adding uiView in front of label but my requireent clearly says not to add uiview to display this. This should be uilabel with text changing dynamically
Not sure how i can use attributed string to label here
Please guide
Use this code for that
Output will be 27.67 where .67 will show small and 27 will show large
let attString:NSMutableAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "27.67", attributes: [NSFontAttributeName:Typography.largeDrawerSavingAmountLabel!])
attString.setAttributes([NSFontAttributeName:Typography.smallDrawerSavingAmountLabel!,NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName:33], range: NSRange(location:attString.string.characters.count - 2,length:2))
lblTotalAmount.attributedText = attString;
You put your font at place of Typography.largeDrawerSavingAmountLabel
and Typography.smallDrawerSavingAmountLabel