
init warning: Service myservice needs a SELinux domain defined. Please fix

I want to excute an executable on boot On a target board with Android 5.1 so I add this in init.rc:

on boot
    start myservice

service myservice /system/bin/myservice
    #class main
    user root
    group root

I did the unpack and repack job.
When changes are made, however, the screen keeps printing:

 init warning: Service myservice needs a SELinux domain defined. Please fix.
 type=1400 ... avc:denied ... scontext ... tcontext ... #some annoying warning messages like this

SELinux seems a huge project for me. I just want to avoid that. I tried two approaches:

1. setenv kernelargs 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 rootdelay=1 selinux=0' and saveenv
2. set enforce 0

For method 1, printenv gives the result:

kernelargs=console=ttyS0,115200n8 rootdelay=1 selinux=0

So you see, changes have been made. But the warning messages keeps printing after rebooting.
For method 2, it says:

Could not set enforce status. Permission denied.

So now I'm trapped in the dilema have no idea where to go. My questions:

Besides, ls -Z /system/bin/myservice gives this:



    1. you need su to set permissive mode. Or you need source code to disable SELinux, such as disable SELinux in kernel config, or disable SELinux in BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE in device/vendor_name/product_name/

    2. if you have the source code, you can define the new domain as you wish.

    Please refer to the Android official documents:

    section: Label new services and address denials