
How to get a method return type with scala meta annotation?

I want do a Log annotation use scala meta.Usage simple as:

def f1(a: Int) {
    Future(a + 1) //result is a Future

// after parsed ====>
def f1(a: Int) {
    Future(a + 1).map{x => 

How can I check if f1 is a Future[ _ ] type? Thanks
Besides, I don't want use reflection(performance cost) in Log annotation and I think method result type can be decided at compile time.


  • This is not possible with scalameta macro annotations. The macro annotations are syntactic so they don't have access to semantic information such as types of trees.

    PS. I am not sure if a macro annotation is suitable for this use-case, you could write out the log statement explicitly with something like this

    def log[T](x: T): T = { println(x); x }

    or even more concisely with an extension method

    implicit class XtensionFuture[T](future: Future[T]) {
      def logged: Future[T] =

    Macros should ideally be used as a last resort, not for convenience only.