
Removing generated resources from a jar file

Hello I am using maven2-xdoclet2-plugin to generate the hibernate mappings

The config of xdoclet is something similar to this:

    (... dependencies ...)

When I run

mvn clean generate-resources

It get the following thing:

tree -L 2 target/classes/
|-- com
|   `-- company
|       `-- (the mappings generated)
`-- generated-resources
    `-- xdoclet
        `-- com
            `-- company
                `-- (the mappings generated)

So what I want to avoid is to have the directory "generated-resources" inside the jar file.

How can I do that? I Did a few google searches without too much luck.


  • I finally moved from maven2-xdoclet2-plugin to xdoclet-maven-plugin and it worked as expected ( I was also having some issues with the hibernate mapping generation ).

                            <fileset dir="${project.basedir}/src/main/java"
                                includes="**/domain/**/*.java" />
                            <hibernate version="3.0" />