I use a Criteria request using a Projections list to return a custom DTO. For now I have two projections on properties :
.add(Projections.property("Employee.id"), "id")
.add(Projections.property("Employee.name"), "name"))
In my EmployeeDto, i have a boolean property "hasPicture". This information is a Nullable String column (the name if the picture actually) on my Employee table.
I do not care about the name itself, I would like to add a new projection that does the following:
PictureName != null --> dto.hasPicture = true
PictureName == null --> dto.hasPicture = false
Is that possible? How?
You could do this check within your hasPicture function.
public Boolean hasPicuture(){
if (this.picture == null)
return false
return this.picture
Another way would be to write your own Boolean type and use it in your mappings.