I'm trying to create a virtual keypad, where each button has both a number and a few letters. For example, the number 2
will also have the text ABC
next to it, in a smaller font size, and the number 3
will have DEF
next to it.
I can successfully edit the custom style of these buttons one by one. A single button, I can drop a TText
style element, change the alignment and text settings of each, and it works fine...
However, I have to do this one by one, customizing the style of each button by itself. If I try to re-use this style, the extra letters ABC
will be the same on all keys. But I need them each to be different.
How can I make a single re-usable style which can also allow me to use varying sub-text in each button? Or will I have to create a unique style for each button?
You can do a workaround, set text StyleName
of ABC Label to text and the StyleName of Number Label to Number.
Create a class that overrides the button class.
TButton = class(FMX.StdCtrls.TButton)
procedure ApplyStyle; override;
procedure TButton.ApplyStyle;
var NumberLabel : TLabel;
//That method will find for a label with stylename number and set the tag of component in it.
if FindStyleResource<TLabel>('Number', NumberLabel) then
NumberLabel.Text := IntToStr(Tag);
Now set the style for all buttons. Text property will set text alphanumeric text and tag will set the Number. It will work only in runtime.