I'm having trouble figuring out how to write data to my Firebase Database through an IBAction.
My problem is not being able to write to the actual database, it's the type of data that is being written.
I need to write data using a Google Maps Services Place object. Here's my database write code:
let newWaitTime = Int(waitTimeLabel.text!)
let waitTime = databaseRef.child("times").child(place.placeID).childByAutoId()
The problem is since IBAction
functions aren't able to take other parameters, I can't pass my place
variable into the function in order to allow me to write to my database.
I can't seem to figure out a workaround because it requires knowing the place.placeID
to submit the times. Without that there is no way to distinguish which times belong to which places. Any thoughts?
in the main class add the following
var currentPlace: Place?
then whenever you are interacting with a certain place
self.currentPlace = placeImInteractingWith
in the IBAction
if let placeToUse = currentPlace {
let waitTime = databaseRef.child("times").child(placeToUse.placeID).childByAutoId()