I was in an interview when I was asked about describing the application of Fibonacci series.
I knew Fibonacci series are used in some sort of benchmarking but I could not come up with a real software/computer application . I tried researching about it . I found they are used in something called Fibonacci heaps But I could not find any obvious computer science application.
Please give your valuable suggestions.
One the most recognizable application is finding extremums for a given function.
Imagine that you have a function (e.g. y = x^2) and you would like to find its minimum. During this procedure you iteratively reduce the range of values, which contain an extremum.
I would suggest reading wiki. Variant of this algorithm is based on Fibonacci sequnce and it's called Fibonacci search.
In addition Fibonacci sequence is used in modelling populations and/or growth of something, e.g. check this article
Finally, there is an article in signal processing that introduces a link between Kalman filters and Fibonacci sequences.