I have a Java class that uses PSO to calculate the best global solution for the optimisation of services that a user inputs in the main activity of a UI. When I run my UI, I have printed the bit combination calculation in the terminal using System.out.println()
, however I need that same print to print in my EditText view in an activity called SolutionActivity.java.
Here is what my terminal shows me:
I/System.out: Particle value: 11.0
I/System.out: Particle bit string: [true, false, true, true]
I/System.out: Particle goodness: 5.0
I/System.out: Time spend: 2.8145
I/System.out: Iterations: 4.6209
I/System.out: Success: 3724.0
I/System.out: true false true true
Here is the code in the Java class (CustomUseCase.java) that prints this...
// ...
this.found += (bpso.getFound() ? 1 : 0);
this.iterations += bpso.getSolIterations(); //use the method in bpso to get number of iterations taken
long end = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; //end time minus start time
this.sumTimes += end; //override the time spent variable
System.out.println("Particle value: " + Particle.getValue(Particle.bestGlobal()));
System.out.println("Particle bit string: " + Arrays.toString(Particle.bestGlobal()));
System.out.println("Particle goodness: " + customService.getGoodness(Particle.bestGlobal()));
System.out.println("Time spend: " + sumTimes/max);
System.out.println("Iterations: " + iterations/max);
System.out.println("Success: " + found);
boolean[] bestCombo = Particle.bestGlobal();
for(Boolean b: bestCombo){
System.out.print(b + " ");
Now I need the System.out.print(b + " ");
printed in a EditText view in my SolutionActivity
. The number boolean variables in bestCombo[]
will vary depending on what the user inputs in the main activity, if the user inputs 3 services, then the bestCombo will have 5 elements, if the user inputs 6 services, the bestCombo will have 8 elements. Here is what it looks like at the moment...
public void setUserResults(){
EditText userGlobal = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.userGlobal);
EditText best = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.best);
best.setText(); //i need the bestCombo solution to be input here!! e.g True False True False
You could have a method in CustomUseCase.java that calculates "bestCombo" and returns it as a String rather than printing it to the console. Something like:
class CustomUseCase {
public static String getBestCombo() {
boolean[] bestCombo = Particle.bestGlobal();
String bestComboString = "";
for (Boolean b : bestCombo){
bestComboString = bestComboString + b + " ";
return bestComboString;
And then call it:
String bestComboString = CustomUseCase.getBestComboString();