
How are you supposed to install a Python library using azure webapp as template?

I have access to the Azure Portal.

From there, i have setup a free so called "webapp" using the FlaskAzure(python) template. (

I have installed MS Visual Studio 2015(with "python tools"), and MS Visual Studio 2017RC(which doesn't have python support just yet).

I want to install a library called "docx".

My question is: How am i supposed to install new libraies? It might be possible to install it in several ways, as i also have access to kudu with terminal access. I just wonder if i actually have to use the terminal, or if i can use the MS VS2015 with python tools to do this, and how?


  • The fix was actually to create a new webapp from scratch without flask and python. It has to be a regular webapp.

    Then to add python as an extension.

    As far as I have understood, this is because there is some changes going on with the python/flask webapps, and there will be a fix for this later on.

    After I installed as described the link, it seems to work:

    It was a bit hard to understand it all from the tutorial, but if you have problems create a support ticket within the azure portal, as they will guide you through the guide.