
External API not working on iPad in my ionic 2 hybrid mobile app

I have developed an hybrid mobile application. In my app I used some external API which are on my server. I don't have a Mac so I created iOS certificates on my Ubuntu system using openssl.

I have used this ionic forum solution to build certificates.

Then I built the app on Phonegap web site. I got the ipa and apk build. I run apk on my Android device and its working perfectly fine.

Then I uploaded my ipa to which provided me the link to download in my iPad. I downloaded in my iPad and run it app start in my iPad but when I tried to login then its not working, then I tried to signup but I am unable to signup also. So I found that my app unable to hit the external API.

I don't have Mac so I'm unable to debug it. How can I resolve this issue?


  • I googled some more and found that API requests i made are not secured which means i used http:// requests but ios for not allowing https request so i changed my request to https:// and its works.

    ionic blog from where i got this information

    anouncement which made about https requests