
TFS | Get Linked User Story to workitem using c#

I want to fetch user story which is linked to a test case. I have test case details but want to fetch the linked user story through it in c#.

Not able to find any helpful reference online.


  • You could try this code snipped below:

    WorkItemStore workItemStore = teamProjectCollection.GetService<WorkItemStore>();
    var workItem = workItemStore.GetWorkItem(testCaseId);
    List<WorkItem> wilist = new List<WorkItem>();
    foreach (WorkItemLink wiLink in workItem.WorkItemLinks)
        if (wiLink.LinkTypeEnd.Name.Equals("Tests"))
                        int targetId = wiLink.TargetId;
                        var linkedWI = workItemStore.GetWorkItem(targetId);
                        if (linkedWI.Fields["Work Item Type"].Value.ToString() == "User Story")
                            wilist.Add(linkedWI);   // Add the user story to the list                        

    You could also use this TFS REST API:

    GET  http://serverName:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/_apis/wit/workitems/309?$expand=relations&api-version=1.0

    About using it in C#, please refer to: